Twin Lakes Regional Medical Center to implement opioid program to reduce negative outcomes related to opioid use


An estimated 175 deaths per day occurred in 2016 due to drug overdoses in the United States per the recent statement from President Donald Trump regarding the nationwide opioid crisis. Kentucky is also seeing the ravaging effects of opioid abuse and overdoses both statewide and locally.

Grayson County is not exempt from the negative outcomes of inappropriate use of opioids. According to information from the Kentucky Injury Prevention and Research Center, in 2016 Grayson County had 12 deaths and 163 emergency department visits to Twin Lakes Regional Medical Center (TLRMC) for drug overdoses. In an effort to combat this ongoing epidemic, TLRMC is joining forces with other agencies to support overdose prevention activities and improve opioid safety in our community.

Beginning in 2018, TLRMC is implementing an opioid stewardship program which will involve many strategies to reduce poor health outcomes related to opioid use. The KASPER (Kentucky All Scheduled Prescription Electronic Reporting) system will be utilized by providers to better assess appropriate prescribing of an opioid when needed. Providers will also be using a conservative approach to narcotic prescribing as well as using non-pharmacologic treatments based on severity and type of pain.

For patients who may continue to require pain management after visiting TLRMC, referrals may be offered for follow up treatment at a pain management center. For any questions or additional information, people may contact the TLRMC Quality Department at 270-259- 9400.

By Twin Lakes Regional Medical Center