Leitchfield City Council agrees to purchase property from Fiscal Court, then sell to Baillie Lumber


At Monday night’s Leitchfield City Council meeting, council members agreed to purchase from the county just over 46 acres of property on Shaw Station Road.

The city will now sell the property to Baillie Lumber for an expected expansion of its business.

The city purchased the property for $325,000 and will sell the property to Baillie for the same amount. The move was necessitated by state law which says a county cannot sell property to a business, but cities have no such restrictions.

In March, the Leitchfield City Council and Grayson County Fiscal Court agreed to close Shaw Station Road at Mill Street to allow Baillie Lumber to expand.

By Ken Howlett, News Director

Contact Ken at ken@k105.com or 270-259-6000