What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?


I cannot believe that Christmas is over and we are hot on the trails of a new year. From December 26th to January 1st, the only thing that people can think about are New Year’s Resolutions and all the changes they are going to make starting January 1. I’ll admit, I am a New Year’s Resolution Maker, but I struggle to stick to them. For example, I’ve vowed to give up caffeine for the last 3 years, but I had a nice hot cup of coffee this morning, so there’s that.

So, here are the most popular New Year’s Resolutions that people make, according to The Language Blog:

  • Diet, exercise and weight loss
  • Read more
  • Learn something new
  • Save money
  • Be a nicer human
  • Get a new job
  • Give more time and money to charity
  • Drink less
  • Sleep more
  • Make new friends

It’s not surprising that some of these made the list as they always are New Year’s Resolutions- weight loss and exercising, but I find some of the others very refreshing. We should all make it a daily resolution to learn more and be a nicer human- those I can most certainly stand behind.

Now with all these warm feelings about New Year’s Resolutions, don’t let it discourage you when I say that the Huffington Post reports that only 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions. Maybe we are all just trying to do the wrong things for us or we don’t feel passionate about the resolution we are making? So, here with all of you as my witnesses, I, Special Kayla, am making a New Year’s Resolution. I resolve to give a genuine compliment to at least one person every day, which will hopefully spread a little kindness along the way. There is too much negativity out there in the world. We need to do more lifting each other up and less tearing each other down.

Now I want to know, what’s your New Year’s Resolution? Share it in the comments below and let’s all show a little support for each other as we turn over a new leaf in 2018.

Until next time.

Have a very Happy New Year!