Ways to Stay Motivated to Reach Your Goals


Happy Wednesday everyone! This morning, I have been thinking about how I really need to start hitting the gym and get my life on a better fitness track. To be completely honest with you, I have been on somewhat of a health journey since last year and successfully lost 16 pounds (Woohoo!). I have been mostly working to improve my diet, but another truth bomb here…my motivation is zapped. I literally hate working out and every day it seems harder to stick to my diet, especially with all the cookouts and gatherings that Summer has to offer.

Now I’m not sure if any of my blog-buddies are in the same boat or working on any of their personal goals, but I did some reading on how to best stay motivated and I thought I would share and open up the floor to discussion. Oh, and in case someone hasn’t told you today… You are awesome and you can do it!

  • Keep a diary to track your progress: This helps remind you of how far you’ve come from when you first started pursuing this goal and also holds you accountable for when you feel yourself beginning to stray.
  • Share your passions with friends: Talk to someone about why reaching this goal is important to you. Hearing yourself talk about your passions will get you excited and re-energized!
  • Take progress photos: Whether you are pursuing a weight-loss journey or a home project, take photos to see how far you have progressed and be proud of yourself for all your hard work.
  • Start with the end in mind: Don’t say things like “if this works” or “if I reach my goal”, think WHEN, when you reach your goal and how great that success will feel.
  • Remember you’re only human: I am so guilty of wanting things to happen instantly and I get so upset with myself when they don’t. If you feel the same way, take a few moments and remind yourself that you’re doing your very best and that’s what truly matters.
  • Reward yourself!: The smaller milestones are just as important as when you fully reach your goal. Show yourself some appreciation with a nice treat! (Mine is a chocolate milkshake on Sunday)
  • Embrace the coming changes: You had a plan when you started this goal and things are going to change because of it, and while this may be difficult, remember change is good. Embrace the new and put your life in full gear.
  • Be excited: You are doing great things, so tell the world! You deserve the recognition.

I don’t know about you, but just writing this post put me in such a motivated mindset that I feel like I can conquer the world. What goals would you like to achieve? What are some ways that you motivate yourself? Tell me in the comments below.

Until next time.