Clarkson street sign thief causing danger to drivers, those in need of help


The city of Clarkson has a sign thief.

According to a statement on the city’s Facebook page, “… over the last few days …” several street signs have been stolen. Citing the high cost to replace the signs, city officials reminded people that stealing multiple street signs could result in a felony charge.

The absence of street signs could additionally pose danger to drivers and those in need of immediate help, as first responders, even with GPS tracking, rely on signage to find locations.

Anyone with information on the recent sign thefts is asked to contact the Clarkson Police Department at 270-242-2841, or Clarkson City Hall at 270-242-6997.

The city’s statement on the thefts:

It has come to our attention that over the last few days several street signs have turned up missing around town. Stealing a street sign is a misdemeanor and can result in a felony and jail time if multiple signs are stolen. They are also costly to replace and can cause delays and confusion for ambulance drivers and other first responders when responding to emergencies, even with GPS, when signs identifying street names are missing. If you have information on the sign thefts, contact the Clarkson Police Department at 270-242-2841 or City Hall at 270-242-6997. Thank you.

By Ken Howlett, News Director

Contact Ken at