Riverboat with 174 passengers, crew, remains stuck on sandbar on Lake Barkley


Passengers and crew on a riverboat have now been stuck on a sandbar on Lake Barkley for more than 48 hours.

The modern riverboat, American Jazz, was cruising between Memphis and Nashville and became lodged on a sandbar Wednesday afternoon about 1:00. American Cruise Lines, owner of the riverboat, said the vessel has not been damaged.

The boat is carrying 120 passengers and 54 crew members, the U.S. Coast Guard said Thursday night, according to media outlets.

The Coast Guard was working with American Cruise Lines to determine how to dislodge the boat. Tugboats attempted to free the boat on Thursday with no success.

The boat was on a seven-night Music Cities Cruise.

The Coast Guard said the boat ran aground near Canton, in Trigg County.

(Photo courtesy of WFIE.com)

By Ken Howlett, News Director

Contact Ken at ken@k105.com