ECTC to add welding, computerized manufacturing, machine tool operating for transitioning soldiers


Elizabethtown Community and Technical College (ECTC) has been awarded a $37,500 grant through LIFT’s Operation Next advanced manufacturing certification program.

LIFT is a Detroit-based Department of Defense-supported national manufacturing innovation institute.

The grant will allow ECTC to add certificates in welding and computerized manufacturing and machining – specifically machine tool operating – to the college’s Advanced Manufacturing Army Career Skills Program (CSP).

Through a partnership with Fort Knox, the CSP offers training to transitioning soldiers so they are certified to begin careers in advanced manufacturing – a highly sought-after and high-earning industry.

Operation Next is an innovative, self-paced, advanced manufacturing-focused training and credentialing initiative that blends hands-on and virtual learning. It also provides training opportunities for military spouses, all with funding through the Department of Defense Manufacturing Engineering Education Program.

“The ability to add welding and machine tool operating – two popular and lucrative career options – to our already impressive CSP lineup will greatly benefit transitioning soldiers as they begin the next phase of their career,” said Mike Hazzard, ECTC Dean of Workforce Solutions.

“Our goal with this program is to provide as many opportunities as we can to these soldiers to ensure they have skills and training for a lucrative occupation once they leave the military.”

The support of organizations like LIFT is what allows ECTC to continue to expand and improve CSP, Hazzard said.

“We are grateful for their contribution, which will mean we can connect even more transitioning soldiers from the military community with in-demand advanced manufacturing training,” he said.

“Our nation’s military members have the leadership, commitment and motivational skills the advanced manufacturing sector needs, particularly those members of the National Guard and Reserve who are ready, willing and able to work in their local economies,” said Nigel Francis, Chief Executive Officer and Executive Director, LIFT. “As a Department of Defense national manufacturing innovation institute, our goal is to drive American manufacturing into the future through technology and talent development and bringing Operation Next to service members in Kentucky keeps us on that mission.”

To learn more about ECTC’s Advanced Manufacturing Career Skills Program visit or contact ECTC CSP Coordinator Craig Johnson at 270-706-8811 or

Elizabethtown Technical and Community College